You Know You’re An Artist When…

He Came out of the Fog ~ 6″ x 6″ oil on hardboard panel
Have you ever notice that as an artist, you really do see the world differently than most people?
Almost everything on this list applies to me!
  1. You know what shade of green the kale in your garden is.
  2. There are multicoloured fingerprints on your phone, computer, countertop…
  3. You accidentally clean your brushes in your coffee
  4. You actually do judge a book by its cover
  5. The highlights in your hair are from your palette, not Clairol
  6. When travelling from one place to another you spend the whole time analyzing the color mixtures in the landscape instead of enjoying the scenery
  7. When you get caught staring at people, but it’s not because you’re checking them out, it’s because your trying to figure out the value of the shadow on the side of their face, or the exact shade of purple under their nose…
  8. You long to be alone with your thoughts while others are lonely without much thought.
  9. You go to the store and wonder why everyone is staring, only to come home and realize you had red paint on your face.
  10. You consider things like showers and eating extremely annoying because they keep you from your easel.

Published by Tahirih Goffic

After a tumultuous past as a goat milker, laundress, fine art major, waitress and restaurant owner, I've now downscaled to running my own Cafe/Gallery in an effort to maintain a social life and make a few bucks. I live a ridiculously idyllic existence in a fairytale village called Bella Coola on the West Coast of British Columbia with my charming musician husband, two amazingly creative children, and a dog whose favourite past time is eating rotten dead fish and rolling in poo. In my not so spare time I love to invent healthy whole food recipes, write YA fiction, play guitar, or curl up in my favourite chair with a great book and a gigantic mug of strong black coffee, all while daydreaming of living in Ireland...

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