The Little Artists

I have actually been painting up a storm lately and have been keeping very busy. I seem to have a hard time finding the minutes to get my images uploaded and keep updating my blog. Nothing is particularly new and exciting in my life, just mothering and painting. This is a picture of my two darling children, Jacob and Rhiannon. It seems they have inherited my desire to create. They both love to draw and paint and I try to encourage them as much as possible. I praise their silliest little doodles. That’s what my dad did, and I’ve been an artist ever since!

My items on eBay

Published by Tahirih Goffic

After a tumultuous past as a goat milker, laundress, fine art major, waitress and restaurant owner, I've now downscaled to running my own Cafe/Gallery in an effort to maintain a social life and make a few bucks. I live a ridiculously idyllic existence in a fairytale village called Bella Coola on the West Coast of British Columbia with my charming musician husband, two amazingly creative children, and a dog whose favourite past time is eating rotten dead fish and rolling in poo. In my not so spare time I love to invent healthy whole food recipes, write YA fiction, play guitar, or curl up in my favourite chair with a great book and a gigantic mug of strong black coffee, all while daydreaming of living in Ireland...

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