Samoan Fire Dancer painting…time in Hawaii

Keeper of the Fire ~ 24″ x 30″ oil on canvas   $2,500.00 Soooo….I have a confession to make.  I haven’t posted a thing in so long because…I am in Hawaii! I have been for the last two months! I’ve been soaking up the sun, enjoying the beach, and relishing the time with my family, uninterruptedContinue reading “Samoan Fire Dancer painting…time in Hawaii”

Barkerville Blacksmith

Barkerville Blacksmith 20″ x 24″ oil on canvas  $1400.00 I’ve been working on this painting on and off for ages, and I finally put the finishing touches (i think) on it a few minutes ago. I was so anxious to share, I photographed it right away, and came down to the studio to upload itContinue reading “Barkerville Blacksmith”